4th Distributed Ledger Technology Workshop (DLT 2022)

Co-located with ITASEC 2022

June 20, 2022

Auditorium della Tecnica

Camera Ready Preparation Instructions

Please follows the following steps to submit the Camera Ready version of your paper:

  1. Currently, CEUR proceedings require a specific template available at https://www.overleaf.com/read/ypbfpsnncjxb, which is slightly different from the one that we requested for the submission. (if you do not use LaTeX please refer to the original CEURART.zip package from CEUR). Note that in the final step you are asked to submit a PDF file not the sources.
  2. Please double check paper title capitalization. To do that, please, use https://capitalizemytitle.com/ choosing “Title Case”, “APA style”.
  3. Please do not change formatting or metadata which has already been customized by workshop organizers.
  4. Note that papers MUST NOT HAVE PAGE NUMBERS, that will be included afterwards in the proceedings processing.
  5. Please fill out and sign the copyright form available at http://ceur-ws.org/ceur-author-agreement-ccby-ntp.pdf. This copyright form assumes that you have copyright on all the materials that are included in the paper (otherwise please contact the organizers). The form MUST be physically signed with a pen and digitized afterwards. (http://ceur-ws.org/HOWTOSUBMIT.html#FAQ-HAND-SIGNATURE)
  6. Submit the paper (PDF version only) and the copyright form (PDF only) using the form available at https://forms.gle/rjUBk7N3eXyEk45U6. You have to submit a zip file with both the documents named with the paper number and the first author name (e.g. 8780_Ariemma.zip) that has been used in the notification email.